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Surf Gidget The Pug
Champion Surf Pug

Dive into the magical world with 'Surf Gidget The Pug' as she goes on a surfing adventure. Gidget stumbles upon marine life that have become tangled and harmed by mans pollution. A fabulous book for all ages with vibrant and colorful illustrations and supported with a meaningful message to save our oceans, keep our beaches clean, protect our sea and wildlife and put the trash where it's supposed to be, in a trash can! The book is inspired by a real living pug called 'Surf Gidget The Pug'. Gidget has been surfing for over 8 years and is living life to the fullest in sunny Southern California. The proceeds from the book sale supports Gidget non-profit charity foundation, 'Surf Gidget The Pug Healing Hearts Foundation'. The charity rescues neglected unwanted dogs that receive training and rehabilitation and are then re-homed as loving animal companions to disadvantaged or disabled children, teens and young adults. 'Pawtographs' Available!

Meet Gidget, a pug who overcame a life-threatening illness to become a world-champion surfing dog.This is the true story of Gidget, a world-champion surfing pug, who grew from a hyperactive handful of a pup to a poised and impressive surfer whose efforts are devoted to charity.As she and her owner Alecia find their way through challenges including a life-threatening illness, Gidget's story becomes not only about a dog learning to surf and compete in dog surfing competitions but also about making the most of the life you are given and giving back to your community.
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